Time to get with the program Spain!


I was on the metro today and I saw this ad for Asturiana milk. They have now manage to make their milk contain even less fat, and I can´t help but wonder when this country is going to catch up with modern day society and learn that natural fats are actually healthy (necessary even) for your body. Isn´t this low-fat mentality just so 1995? Don´t people know by now that it´s overconsumption of carbohydrates that is the reason for obesity, type 2 diabetes etc, and not fat. All it takes is just some basic knowledge in physiology to figure that out. And I know that the world is run by money and that the sugar industry and the pharmaceutical industry are actually some of the largest industries in the world, and if people would stop wanting/needing their products it would be a financial disaster, but sometimes the stupidity and greed of this world becomes exhausting. I just want to run off to a desert island or a mountain top somewhere and not be exposed to this shit for a while.

How the whole “saturated fat myth” got started:

Eating without guilt


This photo was posted on the swedish Weight Watchers Facebook page the other day. For those of you who aren´t fluent in swedish I can tell you that that´s the swedish Weight Watchers logo on the back of the car. On the back window it says; “Weight loss that lasts? Follow us, we know the way!” (Oh yeah and that´s the McDonalds Drive through if you didn´t notice.) Maybe most of you see this picture as ironic, but actually  this represents the Weight Watchers philosophy pretty well. Eat any crap you want as long as you count the calories. The problem with all these low calorie starvation diets, such as WW, Cambridge, Herbalife etc is that they don´t focus on health, it´s all about weight loss and starving yourself to get there as fast as possible, using all different kinds of low-fat high sugar food substitutes. It´s not about feeling better by providing your body with the nutrients it needs, it´s about hating yourself to the point where you are willing to deny your body of nutrition in order to be skinnier. That´s what diets are about, self hatred. You are not good enough. Instead of learning how to love ourselves now and because of that want what´s best for ourselves we must strive for physical perfection through hating ourselves, and feeling guilty every time we fall off the diet/self starvation wagon. Hate and guilt, a small price to pay for being perfect.